The state of virtual production.
A look at the transformation, insights and trends in the Virtual Production industry for 2024.
Any way you want it.
See what's inside.
The challenges and opportunities facing virtual production in 2024.
Navigating the challenges of cost, speed and complexity.
The AI crash is coming.
Gen AI is now preparing for one of the biggest crashes the market has ever seen.
Instant is the new norm. A real-time creative workflow.
Technologies making virtual production faster, easier and now allowing artists to create content at the speed of thought.
Small is the new big.
Today’s virtual studios aren’t getting larger, they’re getting smaller.
Your free report on the state of virtual production.
A 30-page executive report taking a look at the transformation and trends in the virtual production industry for 2024 as well as key insights from the growing community of virtual production studios around the world.

Quotes from the white paper.
"In times of transformation it is not about how big you are, it’s about how big you think."
Tim Moore
"If we don’t democratize the process and the tools, we may wind up with these boutique studios that can’t satisfy the demand."
James Blevins
Post-Production Supervisor on The Mandalorian
"As the technology and tools improve, the bar to entry will become lower and lower."
Michael McKenna
CEO & Director of Virtual Production, Final Pixel
Content is king, and the businesses who make the tools to make content more accessible and faster will come out on top.
Phil Galler
Founder of Lux Machina